Pitch_In update
Posted by Alan Parham on 21 October 2019
Having just supplied an update to England Hockey, I also wanted
to share with the whole club, our current progress status with
We have had Tom Walton from Notts Hockey visit (on 10/10/2019)
and we are awaiting his revised quotation for a new pitch. We
have asked for a benchmark as per Wrekin College, the pitch our
mens & ladies 1st team currently play on. Then give us a better
one and a slighly lesser one, so we have an idea of what to aim
We will then have a better idea of what we have to achieve.
Our aim is still April 2021, for a relay in Summer '21, ready to
play Sept 21. But that is so dependant on so many factors.
Our Pitch_In campaign/project is up and running...…………….
We started small and aim to get bigger and bigger.
Our registration day, just selling cakes & teas - £55 went into
the pot.
Club Funds - hopefully in the region of a few £000's , exact
amount to be confirmed but that will also give us a great
starting base. Money saved from not having to pay for pitch hire
over the last 2 years has gone into the fund.
A rugby payment - secured annually, and recently received has
put £2k towards our fund.
Pitch In - has started, £720 is already in
, we have 640 squares to sell which will eventually raise @
£6,500 - if you want that special square, then start asking for
it now.
Rugby WC - 39 people are involved with this , it is running at
the moment, prize winnings will be 1st/2nd/3rd £20, £10, £5 plus a
bottle of wine plus a donated pitch square - that event is
expected to raise £155
GoFundMe - has been opened, and we have £55, really just to test
the system, but the aim is to raise much more, and will be spread
to social media soon, and will run through the campaign.
Club Bonfire night , run by the S&SC, but we help provide 6
stewards, do you want to help?, TWHC gets a share of the takings
- expected £300 maybe, dependant on numbers attending
Halloween Night on 26/10/19 - see ClubBuzz issued
Xmas dinner - a non profit making function, but we will have a
raffle and some pitch squares to auction. Come along and enjoy and
So we have a number of activities going on and some more to be
planned over the next 12 months. If you have an idea, please let
us know, even better - JDI
We have a draft letter to go to local companies and potential
fund sources, where a letter backed up with an important 1-2-1
conversation from a club member to the company contact is a
possible plan of attack. On offer is some advertising boarding
around the pitch, website sponsorship, notice boards etc.
If you have a link to a local compamy who may be willing to make
a contribution, please do get in touch so that we can provide you
with the information to make that contact and build up a funding
And we also need to get our heads firmly around any funding we
may be able to get from the following, which could also be quite
National, Hockey Foundation
T&W Council & S106 application
Veolia landfill - a possible source
Sport England - hopefully they will help further down the line
I hope that's enough of an update for now.
As always, if you can help, please please do.
We need people to reach out, make contacts, and help raise funds.
And we really do need everyone to contribute, however small, via
any of our events - attend, buy a pitch square, GoFundMe.
Not sure - please email me or phone me -- alan